Monday, September 17, 2012

Well......Just some fun durdling about legacy decks. I mean this entirely in jest of course. Next week i will have PART2 which covers Maverick (which I run), Miracle/Stoneblade, Dredge and other awesome-ass legacy decks.
So, after attending Magic:Celebration last Saturday I came to two realizations: 1.It's pretty great that a company is willing to give away TONS of free merchandise to it's loyal customers. 2. It's not as much fun if you loose EVERY SINGLE GAME of mini-masters because you happened to get a realllly bad pack. :(
So this is the first strip in a series of shorts about Magic: The Gathering. For anyone one that doesn't know Magic:the Gathering is a trading card game developed by Wizards of the Coast. It's been production for almost 20 years (yes- that's before Pokemon cards), and has a following in six continents (although I'm sure when penguins develop thumbs they too will be playing.)

Monday, September 10, 2012

Peach picture done for my friend Lyon

So...this was one of my first attempts at coloring something on the computer. I used a free online photo editing program (very similar to photo shop). Enjoy :3